10 Advantages of Leveraging an LMS for Blended Learning: 2020 Update


Today, we see a complete paradigmshift in the corporate learningand development (L&D) function, going from formal classroom based trainingto today’s technology-based online training, nudging us to build more interactive,intuitive and agile learning environments that have the potential to deliverand engage learners in multiple formats. This need has evolved into anintegrated type of BlendedLearning approach which offers flexibility to address different learningneeds and constraints posed by the content and the learning outcomes.

Mixing delivery and interactionmodes in employee training as a practice has existed even before the advent ofonline learning. As the technologies evolved, so did the multitude of Informationand Communications Technology (ICT) tools available to design and support employeeL&D. Most prominent of these tools has been and continues to be, the LearningManagement System (LMS). An LMS incorporates all best practices for both,online and onsite environment, to impart efficient, effective and engaginglearning (depending on the way it is used). An organization, irrespective ofthe size or location, can leverage an LMS for Blended Learning in order to nurtureits precious talent for mutual growth.

Here are some current trends addedto the topic highlighted earlier, to bring you a fresh perspective:

LMS for Blended Learning: From the Administrator’s perspective

  • Streamlinedtraining process

The Cloud-based LMS has empowered the training administrator with new possibilities in Blended Learning. It can automate routine tasks like course enrollment, assignment and more. Similarly, it streamlines course planning, uploading content and schedules, delivering in synchronous or asynchronous modes, reporting, and related tasks. The added functionality of creating multi-portals, each with its own brand, makes the centralized administration of your organization-wide, online and onsite training, easy and fast.

  • Engagingand motivating learning

Blended learning, nowbeing empowered by technological advances like Artificial Intelligence (AI) inmodern LMSes, has enabled administrators to design more immersive and engaginglearning experiences while automating mundane and repetitive tasks. Automaticcourse tagging feature of the AIpowered LMS gives a personalized learning experience while creating a poolof relevant course content.

The Responsivedesign of an LMS makes learning possible anywhere, anytime and on any device. Newtraining delivery strategies like microlearning, which use smartphone technologyprovide self-motivated and un-interrupted learning environment.  

  • Power ofIntegration

Gone are the days offormal classroom/traditional trainings which have limited attendance and trainingreach. Welcome in the power of third-party integration ofmodern LMSes, taking Blended learning to newer horizons. Integration with videoconferencingtools like GoToMeeting, can transform your onsite training via virtualclassrooms.

Other integrationslike Single Sign On (SSO) accept a single set of login credential across allyour digital properties, making the administration task much easier. Inaddition, API and Plugins allow you to extract learners’ data, course information,users’ enrollment, and system management.

  • Scalability

Modern SaaS LMSesare highly scalable. You can easily scale up or down the system depending onthe usage without worrying about system downtime. For an administrator, ittakes a huge load off their shoulders as the platform and infrastructurerequirement for scaling the system is the responsibility of the vendor. Usersand Data scalability is a sensitive aspect for an administrator, as huge cost isinvolved in the design and delivery of an organization level training program. Asthe organizations expand beyond borders, you can also harness the scalability featureof SaaS LMS to meet future growth in L&D.

  • DataSecurity

Blended Learningactivities use and generate sensitive and confidential information, user data,training resources and other content that must be kept absolutely secure elsethere could be serious implication. Although a Cloud-based LMS may seem to becounterintuitive to the administrator, given that the data repository is storedonline, most of the SaaS LMSes today utilize cutting edge technology to attainthe highest level of security standards. While no solution can be 100% secureagainst all possible vulnerabilities, the benefits of leveraging an LMS continueto outweigh the risks.

LMS for Blended Learning: From the Learners’ perspective

  • Flexibleaccess to training resources

Blended Learning is stillgoing strong and will continue to do so considering the learners’perspective. Depending upon the content and the training outcomes, some trainingrequire a formal classroom setup while others would be better off taken online.An LMS supports both the formats beyond restrictions of space, time and pace. LMSesare constantly evolving to deliver intuitive yet attractive User Interface(UI), easy to navigate and supportive User Experience (UX), to ensure high learnerengagement.

  • Learningon the Go

A Responsive LMS ofcurrent times has made learning accessible both inside and outside of theorganization by extending its desktop version to other devices like tablets andsmartphones.This functionality makes learning seamless for users, like sales people, whoare constantly on the move for their day-to-day tasks.

  • Assessments& Reports

Embedding assessmentsin an LMS is crucial to implement Blended Learning. It works alongside the personalizedlearning path by revising the roles of instructors and learners, theirrelations and practices. Assessing learner participation, performance andcourse completion rates help the instructor in identifying knowledge and skill gapsto reconstruct the plan while assisting the learner to modify his pace orlearning approach.

  • Gamification

An LMS with Gamificationfunctionality makes corporate learning more interesting by offering challengesand rewards. It can help with grasping abstract topics by making them look morelively and real. For a learner this tool creates a better environment andincreases engagement.

  • SocialLearning

An LMS offering social learning support for learners among their peer groups as well as bottom-up interaction and suggestion, makes its training programs more attractive and engaging. Social learning features like Online Communities, Discussion Boards, and Chat Groups among others enable an informal learning environment which generally increases the level of interest, attention, and motivation. Hence L&D professionals can improve the quality and experience of their Blended Learning programs by leveraging an LMS.

These are some of the most commonand compelling reasons that organizations cite for leveraging an LMS for BlendedLearning. We believe that Blended Learning truly is the way ahead fororganizations in the wake of global technological advancements as it caneffectively bring about the power of new learning channels.And when backed by a state-of-the-art Learning Management System, it delivers arewarding learning experience that drives more results than the othertraditional methods.

Get the goodness of BlendedLearning in an LMS FREE for 14 days! StartTrial.