5 Key Reasons you Still Need Instructor Led Training (ILT)


Learning is afundamental mechanism in modern organizations as it shapes their professional,social, and commercial patterns. The current knowledge-driven economy providesnew uncertainties and opportunities for corporate learning. One among suchopportunities is definitely eLearning,as this technology-driven format accommodates needs for budget, scheduleflexibility, on-demand learning, audience size and location. Likewise, you mayassume that we must include the traditional classroom based InstructorLed Training (ILT) among the uncertainties due to thesame concerns. Well, not exactly!

From our 15+ years’worth of experience in the eLearning and learning technology industry, we haveobserved that Instructor Led Training still remains unchallenged under manyscenarios. When you need to gain complex skills that provide a distinguishingedge to your organization, ILT assures you higher chance of success. Otheradvantages include:

  • Training by Experts

ILT is one of the best learning modes, tolearn from industry veterans and experts. The instructor’s knowledge of thesubject matter helps individuals or groups understand the topic in greaterdetail. With such expert level of guidance and approach, ILT becomes morefocused towards a clear learning objective, and when coupled with real-timeassessments (quizzes or Q&A), it practically guarantees fulfillment ofthese objectives in a timely manner. Depending upon the subject matter, the ILTformat may also differ. It could be one-on-one, through seminars, webinars, or smallgroups for highly interactive sessions. It could also be conducted as a workshop,if a practical demonstration is necessary to increase learners’ engagement.

  • Face-to- Face Interaction

Directface-to-face interaction with the instructor and fellow learners, and the facilityto have real-time problem solving or having detailed discussions, can help givestructure and purpose to learning. ILT provides motivation and a greater senseof achievement as the learning goals and the approach are predefined,disruptive activities are minimal, and the learning time frame is alreadyfixed. All of these factors combined together create a consistent environmentfor learning and retention.

  • Adaptability

Everylearner is different and instructors are aware of it. If the learning goal isto develop a deep understanding of some new technology or an intricate policythen, generally, many learners would require tailored guidance, which can beeasily accommodated in ILT. It also provides the facilityto practice a newly-acquired skill with the expert instructor to assist withtroubleshooting, problem-solving or giving constructive feedback. Also, the instructor'sapproach to the subject can be adapted if they realize that the learners arenot retaining the information as expected. They can return to a previous point orexplain a particular section further if they sense any confusion.This helps in reinforcing the knowledge gained by the learners. This featurerenders uniqueness to ILT.

  • Realisticand High-Risk Training

Variousindustries, like Aviation, Automobiles, Construction, Defense, and Healthcare, requiretraining in as much a realistic situation as possible because of the risks andoccasional dangers involved at the job-site. To make the workplace safe,productive and sustainable, highest standards in professional competence and thebest practices are required at all times. Such high-risk andhigh-responsibility industries mostly require ILT to be conducted with the helpof veterans and experts to provide in-person practice and immediate feedback.

  • Peer groupinteraction

Peer group activitieslike brainstorming, problem-solving or role-playing in ILT provide greatervalue to a learner than his initial set goals. It is observed that employeeslearn a lot from one another as well as from the trainer. The potentiallearning outcomes of peer interactions are reciprocal. While expert interactionwith the trainer has significant amount of benefits, peer interaction induces mutuallearning, responsibility, cooperation, and support. Many a times theseinteractions lead to long-lasting network of bonds and professionalrelationships.

Take Away

These five reasons ascertain that inmany situations there is no reasonable substitute for ILT. It will continue toimpart the benefits of expert in-person guidance, peer-group learning, social interaction,discussion or reasoning, and real-time assessments/ feedback, to workforcetraining. The key to success of ILT is to map it correctly to the topic and thelearning objectives of the organization.

Explore ILT through BlendedLearning in an LMS FREE for 14 days! StartTrial.