Culture of Learning at Scale (Video)


Culture is a wonderful thing. It is what dictates and defines the social behavior and norms in human societies. It forms a set of customs, traditions and values for a society or a community.And it’s no different for a business.According to Wikipedia, ‘Organizational Culture encompasses values and behaviors that "contribute” to the unique social and psychological environment of a business. It influences the way people interact, the context within which knowledge is created, the resistance they will have towards certain changes, and ultimately the way they share (or do not share) knowledge.’At the very core, Workplace Culture translates into the environment that you create for your employees. Break this down further and you will see layers of characteristics and personalities that set the overall vibe of an organization, while playing a key role in determining work satisfaction, relationships and growth. All of which are greatly hinged on organizational values, conventions, processes and practices that encourage individuals - and the organization as a whole - to increase knowledge, competence and performance, and lay the foundation for a Culture of Learning. A set of keywords that has long become a part of the global L&D narrative.What remains to be addressed though is ‘How can this Learning Culture be made all compassing for the changing workforce dynamics’? What with the dawn of the Gig Economy (here’s how you can Retain Talent in the Gig Economy), the rise of the Mobile Workers (here’s the what, the why and the how of Mobile Learning from the corporate L&D POV) and the surge of Innovative Technologies (here’s a lowdown on the learning technology trends that made a comeback/ rose to fame in 2018).Here’s my attempt to answer this pertinent question, along with Dr. Selvan Dorairaj, VP & Head - Learning and Development, Capgemini, Ishan Gupta, Managing Director, Udacity (India) and Chandana GC, Lead - HR Technology, IDFC Bank, at the People Matters L&D Conference 2018.

I would love to hear your views and thoughts on how L&D functions can re-calibrate their strategies to adapt to the new employment models and still deliver value to their business. Leave your comment below.