LMS for BPO Industry: 6 Benefits


Companies of all sizes, right fromyoung startups to leading MNCs, regularly outsource their non-core processes,and this demand continues to grow. As a result, new products and innovativeservices are introduced one after the other as companies seek more benefitsfrom enterprise solutions to stay ahead of the curve.

A Business Process Outsourcing(BPO) service provider is commonly subcontracted to manage a particularbusiness process for an organization such as, Customer Support, Technical Support,Payroll, Digital Marketing, Accounting, Data Processing, Insurance Processing oronline research among others.

A BPO offers several advantages tothe said organization, including cutting-edge technologies and a skilledworkforce to improve capabilities and decrease operating costs. Suchorganizations, in turn, focus more on their critical processes and efficientlymanaging their risks associated with introducing new products and services.

Although easier said than done, BPOsdo face key challenges ona range of issues since the very inception. The most common, basic level issues are related tounexpected increase in costs, security of the outsourced process, and runninglarge-scale training programs. Given the scenario, an innovative LearningManagement System (LMS)makes for a suitable solution to saveresources, reduce skills gap and improve time utilization. All the more so, whenthe BPO employees are required to relay the specified client information, they needto be well trained on different products, process, and disclosure norms.

Here are six major benefits an LMSoffers to BPOs:

1.Standardizes Process Training

Standardizedtraining creates benchmarks that assure certain level of quality to thebusiness partner and customers. Firstly, learning and development (L&D) prosneed to identify key learning needs across the processes of transactional andhigh complexity areas. An LMS can centrally host the eLearning modules toaddress these learning needs and can confer automated certification uponcompletion of a course. The LMS alsoprovides advanced analytics for the learning space, to dig deeper intoprocess improvement and standardization.


BPOs canbenefit from using the automated learning process through an LMS in the form ofsimulated true trainings for new hires and on-the-job staff without pullingthem away from work. It also helps in remote transition process by equippingsubject matter experts (SMEs) with speedy process capture technologies toimpart normalized operational capabilities between BPOs and in-houseenvironment. This can reduce logistics and transition costs considerably.

3.Improves Productivity

An LMSprovides seamless learning opportunities to managers and executives withstandardized modules of expertise in wide areas like workforce planning andmanagement, operations management, understanding financials, quality control(QC),BPO specific common terms, definitions, formulae, and much more. The LMS also helps deliver knowledge in multipleformats that can be consumed easily. These ongoing learning efforts oftenresult in greater level of motivation and eventually, higher productivity.

4.Reduces Process Risk

An LMS canbe adjusted to easily control attrition impact on the process of a BPO by categorizingand codifying process knowledge and compliancerequirements in digital format to be available readily. This can bea major benefit if the team’s performance or working methods tend to changeover time. Also, line managers can keep regulatory trainings on-track andminimize risks by monitoring compliance levels across all the processes.

5.Improves Customer Service

An LMS can host simulated videos and tutorials to mimic real world situations for customer servicing teams to learn how to interact in any given situation with minimal disruption to the routine. High customer satisfaction should be a continuous goal for a BPO to work on any process for a longer period. This can only be achieved if training becomes an on-going part of the BPO operations. Consistency in service can be hard to maintain for long but with targeted customer service training, human errors and technical mistakes can be minimized and higher work standards can be achieved.

6.Improves Soft-Skills

Soft-skillshold an immense value in a BPO industry. Use of simulators on anLMS can help train process and service teams in the skills necessary to be ableto strike a coherent conversation with customers or complainants. Assessmentsand reporting can further help in enhancing these skills. An innovative LMS usuallycomes packed with engaging features like Gamification thatallows managers and team leaders to assign milestones, observe progress andgive rewards. Such a feature can also be used to set goals that encourage employeesto improve their soft skills expertise.


BPOs holdtremendous value in today’s times. They deliver innovative solutions to businessesthrough best available technology-based platforms in order to enhance theirrelationship with customers. And, even a small flaw in service can make a hugedifference to the partners’ satisfaction level and thus an innovative LMS is amust-have for BPOs to host tailored and goal-based trainings and to monitor theoutcome on a consistent basis.

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