Top 5 Integrations to Unleash the Potential of Your Learning Management System


Let’s admit it, with technology advancing at a lightning speed, a great cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) can no longer operate in a silo. According to Brandon Hall Group, 52.2% of the organizations say that the inability to integrate with multiple systems is a significant barrier to satisfaction with learning technology. A high performing learning platform when slotted in seamlessly with your company’s existing tech stack helps to increase user engagement, reduce manual tasks, and establishes a well-connected digital business ecosystem.

In this blog post, we have compiled the 5 must-have LMS integrations to supercharge your digital learning initiatives.


Your sales team and the CRM software work hand in hand. While working towards achieving large targets, your front liners need access to relevant training content on their fingertips in the flow of work. This is possible only when your learning platform integrates with the CRM software thus accelerating sales enablement. Having learning courses for your sales team hosted on a different platform has its demerits. Your team ends up wasting their valuable time familiarizing themselves with a different platform. Besides, constantly switching between the learning platform and the CRM software to locate information can be a daunting task. By integrating your learning platform with the CRM software, you ensure relevant learning content is provided to your salesforce in order to build winning skills to maximize revenue and brand value. Additionally, you can leverage the capabilities of this integration to generate various useful reports, sell and manage customer training on a single platform.

2. HR System

Integrating your HR system with the LMS provides a single source of truth to any employee data. Information about onboarding new hires, enrolling them in the required training or simply tracking the performance and progress of your existing employees’ training, is easily kept up to date through this integration. On the flip-side, without this integration, your resources will have to spend valuable time in cross-aligning employee data listed in your HR system vis-a-vis the learning platform. This can create discrepancies across channels and increase the risk of data redundancies. Besides reaping the benefits of automatically assigning learning paths, this consolidation also helps you to spot learning patterns and trends. You can turn this data into actionable goals to improve learner experience, employee satisfaction, and thus reduce attrition.

3.E-commerce & Payment

Selling online courses has become the new normal. What better way to add to your revenue stream than sharing your expertise through online training courses—be it for customer training or partner training. But when it comes to monetizing your content with eCommerce, you want to make it easy for the learners to access information, especially when it comes to payments. Glitches in accessing the courses can potentially damage your brand reputation in turn hampering sales performance. With integrating your learning platform with ecommerce and payment software, you provide your learners with a seamless and safer browning experience to buy your content while you securely receive the payment.

4.Single Sign-On (SSO)

We live in an age where we are compelled to create multiple combinations of username and password to access a number of software applications and online accounts. In such a scenario, it can be frustrating to get locked out of the system or run behind the IT department to reset the login. Efficiency is key to business operations and Single Sign-On solutions play a vital role in today’s digital ecosystem. By integrating your learning platform to the SSO system, your learners can conveniently streamline their access to the training portal. This can increase the adoption of your LMS while reducing password fatigue and IT costs.

5.Web Conferencing

Given the current global situation where virtual engagements have become an integral part of the ‘new normal’, the web conferencing feature is a must-have for your learning platform. For learners collaborating from different locations, a web conferencing tool allows them to collaborate seamlessly with their peers, connect them to their trainers creating a rich social learning experience. Conducting webinars for your learners, hosting virtual events, reaching out to your customers or channel partners across the global is a click away with this integration.

A Parting Note

The long-term success of your LMS is as much hinged on technology integrations as it is on delivering learning content. When selecting a learning technology partner, it is paramount that you perform due diligence on how the learning platform can stack in line with your existing systems. Learning platforms are meant to be leveraged to enhance learner experience and overall performance. However, the absence of the required integration options can highly compromise this.

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