Top 3 reasons why L&D needs an AI LMS


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the new buzzword for a while now and with good reason. AI has impacted our day-to-day lives in myriad different ways. It is responsible for the suggestion engines that drive the recommendations we wish to see each time we shop online, log into OTT platforms, browse random websites and interact with customer support bots. Then there are the automatic parking systems, smart sensors, personal assistance and so on.

According to Gartner, by 2021, 80% of emerging technologies will have AI foundations.

Like all other fields, AI has revolutionized the realm of learning and development too, especially in the VUCA world characterized by changing user behaviours and evolving technology. Today, AI has the ability to create seminal learning experiences that can benefit modern day learners significantly. Moreover, considering the global eLearning market is poised to touch $15.72 billion by the year 2021, it is even more important for L&D professionals to explore and leverage new technologies like AI to up their game.

AI-powered LMSes and/or LXPs are proving to be highly effective in boosting engagement and productivity among employees. AI is helping ensure that learners are at the center of the whole learning experience and are enabling L&D to understand employee learning more effectually. An LMS that is assisted by Artificial Intelligence can bring in more harmony and alignment into learning.


In the VUCA world where learners want on-demand knowledge, but are hard-pressed for time, LMS built from the admin’s perspective (rather than the learners’), proves to be a little irrelevant. Today’s learners require an LMS, perhaps as the new Netflix of Learning, that offers them easy and quick responses to their queries, allows them to collaborate with their peers and provides them personalized learning as per their requirements.

LMS with a built-in AI algorithm helps build an intuitive and advanced training program that best suits employees as per their abilities and shortcomings. AI-backed LMS also helps create an unparalleled relationship between the platform and the user. This leads to a personalized training process that identifies social, cognitive and behavioural aspects of the learners motivating them to enhance their learning.

Here are top 3 reasons why an LMS with AI should be a must-have for every organization catering to modern day learners:

1.To Deliver Personalized Learning

One of the most important reasons for having an AI-powered LMS is that it scores immensely by improving learning through a more personalized approach. Traditionally, employee learning was always a “one-size-fits-all” concept. Not anymore with employees demanding personalized learning experiences. As per the 2019 L&D Global Sentiment Survey, when respondents were asked, “What will be a hot topic in learning and development”, the top answer was personalization/adaptive delivery followed immediately by AI. Along with personalization, AI also makes the job of L&D a lot easier by automating all the mundane, time-consuming tasks. An AILMS offers information about learners’ interests and preferred learning style, answers queries, and provides personalized feedback– all of this immediately, automatically and without any admin intervention. Such an LMS is truly responsive to learners’ needs and adapts intelligently to their requests by allowing them to take control of their own learning.

2.To Facilitate Continuous Learning

In today’s highly competitive global marketplace, organizations need to be innovative and adaptive. This is possible by encouraging the workforce to indulge in a process of continuous learning by acquiring new skills and knowledge on an on-going basis. The onus is on organizations to create such a learning culture to improve performances and achieve the true objectives of their business. An AI-powered LMS offers a continuous learning experience by analyzing all potential learning paths that each learner could take. Based on this, it then suggests the best journey to optimize learning outcomes. AI has the ability to understand nitty-gritties like when the course is completed, what interactions the learners had while completing a course, are they asking a question or rating the course, did they pause while learning etc. By understanding user behavior, L&D can make more informed decisions on how to design effective courses as per the needs of learners to ensure continuous learning.

3.To Streamline Training

AI, when complemented with Analytics and Reporting, also bolsters an LMS by assessing learner’s performance and determining which information path is best suited for him/her. Through pattern identification, AI can offer a holistic learning experience for the user by identifying opportunities to merge new ideas with previous topics. This allows L&D to cover learning gaps they may not even have realized existed.

An AI LMS can also assist in finding ways to make courses more effective through various means like gamification. If done right, gamification can make learning much more engaging while boosting user engagement and information retention. Through AI, L&D can also make courses more effective by plugging in informational gaps, automatically grading students, lending help with onboarding etc.

Artificial Intelligence presents great opportunities in the future to create a more personalized approach to eLearning and LMS. AI is in no way a replacement for humans, but is a strong supplementary support system that takes individualized learning to the next level.


The what, why and how of Artificial Intelligence in Learn-Tech | Ebook