Upside Learning’s Interview On


After the recent recognition of Upside Learning as one of the top 20 Learning portal companies in the world by, Sébastien FRAYSSE of interviewed us and put it up here on his blog with the title LMS Vendor interview: Upside Learning.

In his post Sébastien highlights what is part of our core philosophy – innovation - “Upside Learning is a very innovative vendor”. Also, Upside Learning is the only Learning Portal company from India in the list of 20 companies. This adds another feather in the cap for us. You can read the full interview on the blog here. Excerpts from that interview are posted in the post below:

Some of the questions asked by Sébastien:

1.  “The LMS market counts numerous LMS vendors. How do you compete in this market? What are your key differentiation factors?” This question echoes what most of the companies seeking a new LMS (or replacing an existing LMS) would have in mind. Given the number of LMS systems available today for selection it is imperative that UpsideLMS stands out and here is why it DOES:

a. Best value for money

b. Award-winning system

c. Comprehensive

d. Scalable

e. Flexible

f.  Progressive Innovation

g. Tried and Tested

There is a detailed explanation for each of the factors mentioned on the blog post on lms-selection.com2. “Could you explain why UpsideLMS is a good solution for SMBs compared to other LMSs?”

Not only UpsideLMS provides a unique platform blending various delivery modes – online, classroom, virtual, social, mobile, etc. it has also been designed to make the administrative tasks very easy for anyone to use. Read more.There are many more questions answered in his post. These include:

  • “What direction will you give to your product for the next years? What kind of features/capabilities do you plan to develop?”
  • “Are you looking for partners to deliver your software all over the world, and more precisely in Europe?”
  • “Upside Learning is an Indian company. What regions in the world do you target (local market, Asia, US, Europe…)?”, etc.

Go ahead and read all our answers here.