Training Companies: Delivering Training to Multiple Clients via a Single LMS (Case Study)

Training Companies: Delivering Training to Multiple Clients via a Single LMS (Case Study)

For Training Companies running multiple training programs for individuals and corporate alike, having a Learning Management System that can host multiple clients on the same setup is crucial for their success. But it doesn't end at that. Each of the clients should be able to get access to a separate portal, with individual branding, access, dedicated URL and a personalized learning environment, while the Training Company can have a centralized access to all portals for easy uploading, delivery and management of online courses, monitoring of clients' usage of the system and overall training impact assessment.

As a Client Relationship Leader for UpsideLMS, I have helped a number of Training Companies to do this and more. Here's a latest example, wherein we helped a leading provider of Security Awareness training in the UK to deliver training to its customer worldwide.


Yellow Room Learning (YRL) Ltd. was founded in 2015 with a clear vision - to help individuals and organizations 'Stay Cyber Secure'. Being a startup with a small team-size and a need to compete with the larger players in the Security Awareness training market, YRL required a secure, reliable and robust platform that could be used for delivering and managing online training for its multiple customers worldwide.

UpsideLMS: The Perfect Fit for YRL

UpsideLMS' multi-portal architecture met YRL's primary requirement of a Learning Management System that could host multiple clients (individual and corporate) and yet be controlled centrally. To YRL's clients, UpsideLMS offered mini-LMSes that were not only in line with their company branding, but were feature-rich and easy-to-use for their users. To YRL, it served as a centralized platform that enabled easy upload, delivery and management of online courses, monitoring of clients' usage of the system and overall training impact assessment.Being a startup with a small team and limited resources, handling of issues and unforeseen scenarios pertaining to the Learning Management System could have been a major challenge for YRL. However, UpsideLMS' free, round-the-clock Technical Support gave YRL an added assurance of a platform that works uninterrupted, and to its customers it provided an enhanced learning experience anytime, anywhere.

Client Speak

Validating YRL's choice of the Best Value, SaaS LMS, Ben, Managing Director of YRL, said, "Yellow Room Learning has been growing steadily over the past year and we required a Learning Management System that would grow with us. As we increase our client base there is a need to serve our customers with a secure, reliable and flexible system that allows us to deliver our learning material. UpsideLMS seemed the logical solution for us and having now been using it for a number of months we are confident that the right decision was made."

Detailed case study is available for viewing here